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Can coffee harm you? Nutritionists Weigh In

 Can coffee harm you? Nutritionists Weight In

The benefits of your morning coffee may outweigh the drawbacks.

Confession of an ex-coffee addict...  My ‘break-up’ story with coffee

Numerous health misconceptions about coffee and the quantity of caffeine in each cup have developed over time. Some people think that this particular beverage might dehydrate you, hinder your growth, and even cause insomnia in addition to boosting your energy levels in the morning. So, is coffee bad for you or do the health advantages outweigh the drawbacks? We talked to dietitians to obtain their professional opinion on coffee’s effects on the body and to find out if it’s actually safe to consume.

In terms of its immediate and long-term health impacts, coffee is a contentious beverage, according to Balance One consultant Trista Best, MPH, RD, LD. There is research and evidence supporting both sides of the health implications debate, but both sides agree on two things: quantity and quality matter.

How to take advantage of the possible health advantages

The correct coffee bean is the first step in brewing a great cup of coffee with the fewest health risks.
Coffee can be grown using organic or non-organic methods, depending on how much fertilizer, pesticides, and other chemicals are used throughout the growing process. “One of the crops that has been chemically treated the most is coffee. The customer subsequently absorbs and absorbs these substances. To ensure both short- and long-term health, it is, therefore, best to drink organic coffee.”

Can coffee harm you? Nutritionists Weigh In

After you’ve chosen the best pesticide-free coffee brand, you must carefully check your intake.

“Another crucial element to think about is the amount of coffee consumed based on the caffeine count,” Best suggests. “The FDA advises healthy adults to consume no more than 400 mg of caffeine daily, if possible. About four or five cups of coffee are equivalent to this. Based on their studies, it is believed that caffeine doses of 400 mg or above can start to have a deleterious impact on health.”

Sara Chatfield, RDN, of Health Canal tells Eat This, Not That! that caffeine intake should be reduced during pregnancy and in young children. “Caffeine side effects are possible, especially in sensitive individuals. Too much coffee can have negative side effects such headaches or exacerbation of migraines, nervousness, and trouble sleeping.”

Additionally, some people simply don’t enjoy coffee, so they shouldn’t feel compelled to drink a few cups in order to reap the health benefits.

Consider switching to decaf coffee or tea if you’re sensitive to caffeine, says Chatfield.

Can coffee harm you? Nutritionists Weigh In

Is coffee harmful to your health, then?
According to the common agreement, as long as you consume the proper amount of coffee and are not sensitive to caffeine, you shouldn’t anticipate any health issues.

Several coffee-related superstitions that have surfaced over time have been dispelled by scientists. Regular coffee consumption does not cause dehydration, according to a study that was published in PLoS ONE. A study that was reported in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine also revealed that while a typical morning cup of coffee would not cause insomnia, 400 mg of caffeine given to participants up to six hours before bed significantly interfered with their sleep patterns. The misconception that coffee can hinder growth is untrue, according to Harvard Medical School, and it is based on the myth that drinking coffee causes osteoporosis.

As long as you don’t overdo it, nutrition experts agree that drinking coffee is healthy and occasionally even beneficial for your health.

According to Chatfield, drinking coffee isn’t usually harmful and might even be good for your health. Coffee contains several plant chemicals with antioxidant activity, such as polyphenols, therefore drinking it helps lessen the body’s exposure to free radicals.

According to Chatfield, “drinking coffee has been linked to lower risks for a number of chronic conditions, including heart disease, several types of cancer, diabetes, neurological diseases, depression, and even a lower chance of mortality.” Most people can safely consume a moderate amount of coffee each day, and regular coffee use may even help prevent chronic diseases in the long run.

And now
EarlyBird Morning Cocktail is the ultimate coffee replacement. A blend of hydration (electrolytes), clean energy (natural caffeine paired with antioxidants), and motivation boosting nootropics (ashwagandha, coffee berry, and theobromine).”

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Can coffee harm you? Nutritionists Weigh In

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